Fast-food franchises are installing outlets in some high schools, selling hamburgers, fried chicken, tacos, fries, and sodas. Many soda companies already pay a great deal of money to be allowed to install soda machines in high schools. The money from these commercial ventures helps pay for athletic equipment, field trips, and audio-visual equipment. On the other hand, fast food is greatly contributing to the epidemic of obesity among America’s youth. Placing fast-food outlets in schools encourages students to eat food that is high in salt, fat, and empty calories. In your opinion, should fast-food franchises be allowed in high schools?
Persuasive Essay Outline
I. Introduction – Paragraph 1
a. Catchy intro – use an effective lead
b. Thesis Statement
i. Specific topic
ii. Precise opinion
iii. Plan of development
1. Detail 1
2. Detail 2
3. Detail 3
c. Transition
II. Body
a. Paragraph 2, Detail 1
i. Support
ii. Support
iii. Support
iv. Refute opposition
b. Paragraph 3, Detail 2
i. Support
ii. Support
iii. Support
iv. Refute opposition
c. Paragraph 4, Detail 3
i. Support
ii. Support
iii. Support
iv. Refute opposition
III. Conclusion – Paragraph 5
a. Sum up your ideas
b. Leave the reader thinking
CATEGORY | 4 - Above Standards | 3 - Meets Standards | 2 - Approaching Standards | 1 - Below Standards | Score |
Attention Grabber | The introductory paragraph has a strong hook or attention grabber that is appropriate for the audience. This could be a strong statement, a relevant quotation, statistic, or question addressed to the reader. | The introductory paragraph has a hook or attention grabber, but it is weak, rambling or inappropriate for the audience. | The author has an interesting introductory paragraph but the connection to the topic is not clear. | The introductory paragraph is not interesting AND is not relevant to the topic. | |
Focus or Thesis Statement | The thesis statement names the topic of the essay and outlines the main points to be discussed. | The thesis statement names the topic of the essay. | The thesis statement outlines some or all of the main points to be discussed but does not name the topic. | The thesis statement does not name the topic AND does not preview what will be discussed. | |
Evidence and Examples | All of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author's position. | Most of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author's position. | At least one of the pieces of evidence and examples is relevant and has an explanation that shows how that piece of evidence supports the author's position. | Evidence and examples are NOT relevant AND/OR are not explained. | |
Refuting Opposition | The opposition is clearly stated and refuted in each paragraph or in one separate paragraph. | The opposition is clearly stated and refuted, but not in each paragraph or in a separate paragraph. | The opposition is clearly stated but not refuted. | The opposition is ignored. | |
Closing paragraph | The conclusion is strong and leaves the reader solidly understanding the writer's position. Effective restatement of the position statement begins the closing paragraph. | The conclusion is recognizable. The author's position is restated within the first two sentences of the closing paragraph. | The author's position is restated within the closing paragraph, but not near the beginning. | There is no conclusion - the paper just ends. | |
Sentence Structure | All sentences are well-constructed with varied structure. | Most sentences are well-constructed and there is some varied sentence structure in the essay. | Most sentences are well constructed, but there is no variation is structure. | Most sentences are not well-constructed or varied. | |
Grammar & Spelling | Author makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. | Author makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. | Author makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. | Author makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. | |
Neatness | 2 point scale | 2 point scale | Paper is typed and follows correct format, with heading, title, double spaced, 12 point font. | Paper is typed but does not follow correct format. |