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Tuesday, December 11, 2012


You must include the source, original section of text, and then your paraphrase.  See the example below:



"Wrong-way Driving Crashes Claim Hundreds of Lives."  Channel One. N.p., 11 Dec. 2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2012. <>.

Actual Text:

One technology already required in 17 states for all convicted first-time drunken-driving offenders is ignition interlock devices that test their breath for alcohol concentration. The devices, mounted on the vehicle's dashboard, prevent the engine from starting if the driver's alcohol concentration is too high.

Paraphrase:  17 states already require putting a breathalyzer in cars of people who have been convicted of drunk driving.

Friday, November 30, 2012

6th Grade Social Studies and Reading

6th Grade Social Studies and Reading

Research Report: Daily Life in Ancient Egypt


You must research one aspect of daily life in ancient Egypt using books from the LRC and online sources.  Possible topics include:


·        Education

·        Meals

·        Clothing

·        Religion

·        Sports and Games

·        Topics not listed may receive teacher approval


Research Report Expectations:


·        Students will locate 5 key facts related to their chosen topic using a minimum of 2 sources, including one book and one online source.

·        Students will paraphrase each key fact and explain its importance.

·        Students will type their reports using 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font, double-spaced.

·        Students will include a bibliography in proper MLA format.

·        Students will use proper spelling and grammar.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Historical Fiction Rubric


Writing a Historical Fiction Short Story

Title of Piece __________________________________________________________

CRITERIA: The essay will be evaluated on the basis of these criteria:
1. The introduction uses an effective narrative beginning technique.                      
0          1          2          3            4          5
2. The beginning contains sufficient background information, including
a clear setting.                                                                                                         0          1          2          3            4          5
3. The story quickly sets up the main character’s problem or conflict.                    
          0          1          2          3            4          5
4. The events of the story are arranged in chronological order and use transitions
of time and place.                                                                                         
0          1          2          3            4          5
5. There are at least 3 historically accurate details of setting in the story
            [Ex.: tools, clothing, foods, vehicles, manners, customs, jargon, toys, etc.]  
     0          1          2          3            4          5
6. All historically researched details have parenthetical citations within the text
and are correctly listed in the Works Cited page which follows.                 
0          1          2          3            4          5
7. The story uses dialogue both to advance the plot, as well as to
reveal character.                                                                                                   0          1          2          3            4          5
8. The story uses at least two complicating incidents/events to
create dramatic tension.                                                                                         0          1          2          3            4          5
9. The story has a satisfying resolution that logically resolves the conflict.         
0          1          2          3            4          5
10. The paper is relatively free of mistakes in spelling, grammar, usage,
            mechanics, and manuscript form (Use spell-check; proofread!)                     
0          1          2          3            4          5
50 possible points final points

Friday, October 5, 2012

Q1 Study Guide

Reading and LA Q1 Study Guide


1.   The Pretty Pennies Picket

2.   Gandhi

3.   My Brother Martin/I Have a Dream

4.   Harvesting Hope

5.   Passage to Freedom

6.   The Island of Bulls

7.   Escape from Pompeii


1.    Strategies

a.   Word Structure

b.   Context Clues

c.    Apposition

2.   Strategy Chart


3.   Words from stories:

a.   Workbook

b.   Textbook

Comprehension Strategies

1.   Summarize

2.   Predict

3.   Visualize

4.   Monitor and Clarify

5.   Making Connections

6.   Asking Questions

7.   Monitor & Adjust Reading Speed

Comprehension Skills

1.   Author’s Purpose

2.   Author’s Point of View

3.   Drawing Conclusions

4.   Main Idea and Supporting Details



1.   140 words

2.   Patterns

a.   Inflectional ending –ing, shades of meaning, suffix –al

b.   Base word families, Greek root photo, suffixes –ance, -or

c.    Inflectional ending –ed, Antonynms, prefix ex-, Latin root liber

d.   Compound words, foreign phrases

e.   Homophones

f.      Content words, prefixes con-, col-, com-, Number prefixes

g.    Negative prefixes, suffixes –ful, -less


1.   Subjects and predicates

a.   Complete

b.   Simple

2.   Types of sentences

a.   Simple

b.   Compound

c.    Complex

d.   Compound-complex

3.   Adjectives

4.   Capitalization

5.   Apostrophes

6.   Subject-verb agreement


1.   Steps of the writing process (and definitions)

a.   Prewriting

b.   Drafting

c.    Revising

d.   Proofreading

e.   Publishing

2.   5-Paragraph Essay Components

a.   Leads

b.   Thesis Statements

c.    Outlining

d.   Introduction/body/conclusion

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Argument Essay Online Graphic Organizer

Hello Grade 6!  Welcome to my blog!

Here you will find valuable information that you will need to be successful in my class.

Please follow my blog, and write down the blog address.  It is

Your first blog assignment is to create an outline for your argument essay.

You may fill in this map and print, or you can create a traditional outline.

If you have questions, you can email me, or post a comment.  Remember the rules of commenting!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Q4 Exam Review

The READING exam will include content from stories, as well as comprehension strategies and skills.  The stories covered on the exams include What is an Orchestra, Aida, The Nightingale, The Sound of Flutes, Ray and Mr. Pit, Beethoven Lives Upstairs, The Man who wrote Messiah, Protecting Wildlife, The Most Beautiful Roof in the World, Alejandro’s Gift.

  1. Apply various reading strategies to read a selection and answer comprehension questions.  Monitoring and adjusting reading speed is especially important in order to ensure you finish.
  2. Know the main ideas and supporting details of all stories listed above.
  3. Be able to determine if a statement about a story is true or false.
  4. Know the definitions of all vocabulary words.  Be able to use each word in the correct context.
  5. Know all comprehension strategies.  These include Monitoring and Clarifying, Predicting, Summarizing, Asking Questions, Visualizing, and Monitoring and Adjusting Reading Speed.  Be able to apply strategies to examples in stories.
  6. Know all comprehension skills.  These include Author’s Purpose, Cause and Effect, Sequencing, Main Idea and Supporting Details, Compare and Contrast, Making Inferences, and Drawing Conclusions.  Be able to apply skills to examples in stories.
  7.  Explain the statement, “Science is the machinery that runs the earth.”  Use examples from The Most Beautiful Roof in the World.
  8. How can we protect wildlife?  Why is it important to do so?
  9. Why does the flute-whittling practice catch on?  How is this similar to courting rituals “catching on” in a given era?
  10. Compare your biggest influence to the influence Mr. Pit had on Ray Charles.
The LANGUAGE ARTS exam will include the following:
1.      Be able to proofread and correct sentences for grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence combination.  Know the correct proofreading marks.
2.      Be able to sequence sentences in the correct order.
3.      Be able to identify correct topic sentences for a paragraph.
4.      Be able to identify and distinguish between gerunds, participles, and verbs.
5.      Be able to identify direct objects and indirect objects.
6.      Be able to identify pronouns and their antecedents.
7.      Know all spelling words from quarter 4, beginning with Unit 4, and ending with Unit 5, “Alejandro’s Gift.”
a.      Identify misspelled words
b.      Identify correctly spelled words
c.      Oral spelling test
8.      Be able to correctly punctuate sentences that contain parentheses, hyphens, dashes, and colons.
9.      Be able to write sentences that fulfill specific directions.
a.      With a direct object
b.      With an indirect object
c.      With a participle
d.      With a gerund
e.      With either…or showing correct subject-verb agreement

10. Be able to write a persuasive letter that garners interest, presents your idea creatively, and persuades readers to support a specific cause (the cause will be given to you!).
11. Know the meanings of the prefixes and suffixes studied this quarter.  Be able to write a word using that suffix. 
a.      Number prefixes
b.      Adverb suffixes
c.      Adjective suffixes
d.      –ology
e.      Roots