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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Poetry Questions - Due Monday, April 30

Answer the following for each poem, on looseleaf, in complete sentences.

Label each poem by title and author.

1.  Who is the speaker in the poem? What do we know about the speaker?

2.  What is the subject of the poem? What is the theme of the poem?

3.  What is the tone of the poem?

4.  What are the setting and situation of the poem?

5.  Locate any figurative language in the poem and explain.

6.  What is/are the main symbol(s) in the poem? What do they mean?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Short Story, Due Thursday, April 26

Objective:  To work cooperatively to write a narrative story.  To synthesize all elements of a story into a final piece.

You and your partner are responsible for writing a SHORT story. 60 points total:

·       It should be 3-5 pages, typed, following the correct PSM format (see handbook) (10 pts).

·       Include all of the elements of a fiction story discussed in class, as follows:

o   Characters, clearly explained within the story. (10 pts)

o   Plot, with a problem and a solution.  Include an introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.  Include properly punctuated dialogue. (20 pts)

o   Setting, appropriately described, including where and when.  This should be woven into your story, not separate from story. (10 pts)

·       Sophisticated and appropriate use of language and style.  Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  (10 pts)

·       DUE THURSDAY, APRIL 26  

Thursday, April 5, 2012

LRC Independent Reading Assignment, Due Wednesday, April 18

LRC Independent Reading Book Assignment

Project grade: 75 points

Objective: By applying our reading strategies, you will read and report on your independent reading book to create a book binder for Mrs. Sullivan’s classroom.

Task: You will keep notes as you read your book. Once your book is completed, you will write a three paragraph analysis.


  1. Select your independent reading book.
  2. You will keep notes on each chapter of your book in your Reading notebook. You many do this in the form of a strategy chart, character squares, timelines, or you may create your own style of note taking. Your notes will be checked for a grade. (15 points)
  3. You will type a report of your book. It will be three paragraphs long, with each paragraph between 6-7 complete sentences. Here are the requirements for each paragraph:

1st paragraph: This is your summary of the book. Describe the setting, characters, basic plot points, etc. You will also need to identify the genre of the book and the author.

2nd paragraph: This is your analysis section. In this paragraph, you must include one quote analysis from the book in which you write the quote, paraphrase it, and then explain why this quote is important to the book- what does it reveal? You will identify conflicts within the book, both internal and external, and how these conflicts affect characters or the plot. You will identify the theme of the book, and evaluate why this theme is important. If your book is a biography or a collection of poetry, select your favorite part of the book or poem and analyze it. What inferences can you make?

3rd paragraph: Evaluate the text. What do you like and dislike about this book? What recommendations could you make for someone who is considering reading this book? What connections can you personally make to this story?

  1. This assignment must be typed and formatted according to PSM requirements.

  1. Your paragraphs will be graded according to the following rubric, which you will turn in along with your paper, stapled to the back of it. Each paragraph is worth a possible 20 points.

Grading: ____/ 15 notes

____/ 60 paper- 20 pts per paragraph: 15 pts content, 5 pts language mechanics

Notes: - your notes do not have to be in complete sentences, but they should be NEAT

Author’s name


Genre – fiction: sci-fi, fantasy, realistic fiction, romance, humor, historical fiction

non-fiction: biography, autobiography, informative (how-to, historical)

Characters – include main characters only in summary, but you can take notes on any characters as they pop up in the book

Setting – where and when the book takes place

Main plot ideas – this is what happens in the book.

Quotes – write down any quotes that really stand out to you. Quotes are DIRECT SENTENCES FROM THE BOOK. They do not necessarily have to be dialogue between people.

Conflicts – write down any internal or external conflicts

Theme – identify the theme and any details, situations, conversations that reflect the theme