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Friday, May 3, 2013

Biography Expectations and Research

By the end of the period, you should:
1.  Email me your approved topic and sources.
2.  Email yourself your approved topic and sources.
3.  Begin reading and taking notes from your sources.

Biography (2-3 pages) 40 Points total
  • Must have 2 sources – ONE SOURCE MUST BE GALE (10 points)
  • Sources should be included at the end of the biography, listed alphabetically, under a title “Bibliography”
  • Must be in chronological order (5 points)
  • Must have major life details (10 points)
    • Birthdate
    • Hometown
    • Childhood
    • Adulthood
      • Spouses
      • Children
      • Other important information
    • Becoming an artist
    • Current life
  • Must explain art and impact (5 pts)
  • Language mechanics, length, and organization (10 points)


Thursday, May 2, 2013

News Analysis

Please go to:

Read at least 3 articles in the NEWS section.

Select one article that is in the NEWS section.  It can be US, World, Politics, Science, etc.

Complete the following:

Article Title:

5W's and H - In list form.


Evaluation paragraph - What is your opinion about this topic?  Why did you choose to write about it?  How will it affect you, or those you know?

Print by end of the period.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Persuasive Essay ACT Prompt

A school board is concerned that the state’s requirements for core courses in mathematics, English, science, and social studies may prevent students from taking important elective courses like music, other languages, and vocational education. The school board would like to encourage more high school students to take elective courses and is considering two proposals. One proposal is to lengthen the school day to provide students with the opportunity to take elective courses. The other proposal is to offer elective courses in the summer. Write an essay in which you argue for lengthening the school day or for offering elective courses during the summer. Explain why you think your choice will encourage more students to take elective courses.

Source:, 2009 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Prezi/Power Point Rubric

Prezi/ Power Point Rubric, 60 pts

Presentation of Research Topic
10 facts are included
Missing 1-2 facts
Missing facts or facts are not relevant
No clear facts
Highlights the inventor/invention and main ideas
Inventor/invention and main ideas are very brief
Vague and a few ideas
Little or no introduction
Focused and logical throughout; main ideas are clearly presented
Ideas flow well with few interruptions; ideas are developed but lack some detail
Limited structure; ideas are vague and undeveloped
Little to no organization; lacks any kind of clarity
Wraps up all main ideas with a final comment on the topic
Conclusion is brief and does not cover the main ideas
Conclusion is vague and lacks a clear resolution
Lacks any conclusion
Content and Design of Prezi
 /Power Point
Takes advantage of most of the options in Prezi to enhance the information
The Prezi flows well but only uses some of the options
Uses few of the options available and is inconsistent
Does not use any options and is lacking content
Visual Elements
Uses appropriate images to enhance the thesis
Most of the images relate to the thesis
Most of the images were unrelated
No images used
Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, language
Few mechanical errors
Mechanical errors inhibit understanding
Awkward use of mechanics
Works Cited (MLA)
All images and information that require citation are properly cited
A few sources are missing
Missing nearly all sources
No citations provided
Public Speaking
Prezi or Power Point enhances the presentation
The Prezi enhances the verbal delivery
The Prezi generally connects to the verbal delivery
The Prezi begins to loose connections with the verbal delivery
Relies heavily on the Prezi and does not speak or just relies on the Prezi
Eye Contact
Consistent and constant eye contact with the audience
Eye contact is frequent but lacks some consistency
Limited eye contact with the audience
Does not look at the audience
Proper body language and posture
Generally in control of body language
Body language is starting to distract
Body language is inappropriate
Rate and Volume
Clear diction, tone, volume, rate to voice and use of standard English
Generally consistent speaking voice
Struggles to speak consistently
Mumbles, speaks: too quiet, too loud, too quick, too slow

Monday, February 18, 2013

Printed Facts

Before you move on to creating a presentation, you must have a printed sheet of your facts.


Sources, labeled as source 1 and source 2.

10 facts, in complete sentences.

Each fact labeled at end as (source 1) or (source 2).

A printed copy will be graded.  Save the file in your h drive so you can copy and paste your facts into your presentation.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Requirements of Research Project

After locating your two sources:

Create a list of 10 facts that include answers to the 5Ws and H.


After this, include:
What is the status of this invention today?
How has this invention impacted other inventions?
How has this invention improved your life and the lives of others?

Decide how you would like to present - Power Point, Prezi, Poster, or Video.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Unit 4 Research

You will investigate an important invention or inventor that follows the unit theme of Great Expectations.

You will locate and evaluate 2 sources.

You will extract a minimum of 10 facts.

You will properly cite the facts, as well as create a list of works cited.

You will synthesize the information in a presentation form of your choice.


1.  Decide your topic.
2. Begin looking for sources.
3. Keep a list of keyword searches.
4. Select sources. Save links in email or word document.
5. Save source information.  Use or Gale citation information.
6.  Begin extracting facts.

Friday, February 1, 2013

LRC Book Review, Due 2/6/13

LRC Independent Reading Book Assignment
6thReading Mrs. Sullivan
Project grade: 75 points

Objective: By applying our reading strategies, you will read and report on your independent reading book to create a book binder for Mrs. Sullivan’s classroom.

Task: You will keep notes as you read your book.  Once your book is completed, you will write a three paragraph analysis.


  1. Select your independent reading book.
  2. You will keep notes on your book in your Reading Comprehension section of your binder.  You many do this in the form of a strategy chart, character squares, timelines, or your may create your own style of note taking.  Your notes will be checked for a grade.  (15 points)
  3. You will type a report of your book.  It will be three paragraphs long, with each paragraph between 5-7 complete sentences.  Here are the requirements for each paragraph:

1st paragraph: This is your summary of the book. Describe the setting, characters, basic plot points, etc.  You will also need to identify the genre of the book and the author.  

2nd paragraph:  This is your analysis section.  In this paragraph, you must include one quote analysis from the book in which you write the quote, paraphrase it, and then explain why this quote is important to the book- what does it reveal?  You will identify conflicts within the book, both internal and external, as well as identifying the theme of the book.  If your book is a biography or a collection of poetry, select your favorite part of the book or poem and analyze it.  What inferences can you make?

3rd paragraph:  Evaluate the text.  What do you like and dislike about this book?  What recommendations could you make for someone who is considering reading this book?  What connections can you personally make to this story?  

  1. This assignment must be typed and formatted according to PSM requirements.

  1. Your paragraphs will be graded according to the following rubric, which you will turn in along with your paper, stapled to the back of it.  Each paragraph is worth a possible 20 points.

Grading:  ____/ 15 notes
  ____/ 60 paper- 20 pts per paragraph: 15 pts content, 5 pts language mechanics

Guidelines for taking notes:
Your notes do not have to be in complete sentences, but they should be NEAT.
Author’s name
Genre – fiction: sci-fi, fantasy, realistic fiction, romance, humor, historical fiction
non-fiction: biography, autobiography, informative (how-to, historical)
Characters – include main characters only in summary, but you can take notes on any characters as they pop up in the book
Setting – where and when the book takes place
Main plot ideas – this is what happens in the book.  
Quotes – write down any quotes that really stand out to you.  Quotes are DIRECT SENTENCES FROM THE BOOK.  They do not necessarily have to be dialogue between people.    
Conflicts – write down any internal or external conflicts
Theme – identify the theme and any details, situations, conversations that reflect the theme

Friday, January 25, 2013

Persuasive Outline

I.                 Introduction
a.  Lead
b.  Thesis
                                                            i.      Specific topic
                                                         ii.      Precise opinion
                                                      iii.      Plan of development
1.  Supporting detail
2.  Supporting detail
3.  Supporting detail
II.              Body
a.  Paragraph - Detail 1 from thesis
                                                            i.      Support
                                                         ii.      Support
                                                      iii.      Support
                                                      iv.      Refute the opposition
b.  Paragraph – Detail 2 from thesis
                                                            i.      Support
                                                         ii.      Support
                                                      iii.      Support
                                                      iv.      Refute the opposition
c.   Paragraph – Detail 3 from thesis
                                                            i.      Support
                                                         ii.      Support
                                                      iii.      Support
                                                      iv.      Refute the opposition