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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Historical Fiction Rubric


Writing a Historical Fiction Short Story

Title of Piece __________________________________________________________

CRITERIA: The essay will be evaluated on the basis of these criteria:
1. The introduction uses an effective narrative beginning technique.                      
0          1          2          3            4          5
2. The beginning contains sufficient background information, including
a clear setting.                                                                                                         0          1          2          3            4          5
3. The story quickly sets up the main character’s problem or conflict.                    
          0          1          2          3            4          5
4. The events of the story are arranged in chronological order and use transitions
of time and place.                                                                                         
0          1          2          3            4          5
5. There are at least 3 historically accurate details of setting in the story
            [Ex.: tools, clothing, foods, vehicles, manners, customs, jargon, toys, etc.]  
     0          1          2          3            4          5
6. All historically researched details have parenthetical citations within the text
and are correctly listed in the Works Cited page which follows.                 
0          1          2          3            4          5
7. The story uses dialogue both to advance the plot, as well as to
reveal character.                                                                                                   0          1          2          3            4          5
8. The story uses at least two complicating incidents/events to
create dramatic tension.                                                                                         0          1          2          3            4          5
9. The story has a satisfying resolution that logically resolves the conflict.         
0          1          2          3            4          5
10. The paper is relatively free of mistakes in spelling, grammar, usage,
            mechanics, and manuscript form (Use spell-check; proofread!)                     
0          1          2          3            4          5
50 possible points final points

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